Tag Archives: attention

The Quick and Easy Formula for Starting a Conversation With Any Woman

When it comes to dating, every man wants to know how to start a decent conversation with a woman, well, here’s how to do it 1. First of all, it’s crucial you establish good eye-contact. Eyes are the windows of your soul, and having a visual connection with a women shows tells if she’s also interested. To establish good eye-contact, look her in the eye, and keep looking just a bit longer than you normally would. If you catch her looking at you a couple of times, […]

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Great Conversation Starters and Finishers Part I

To begin with, allow me to do my part in dissipating an axiom that’s time has come and gone. Discussing politics, religion, and sex is no longer the faux pas it once was. This is not to say that you should zero in on these subjects for your discussion fodder, but you don’t have to be afraid to delve into any one of them. Discussing politics, in case you haven’t noticed, is pretty depressing. Perhaps reason enough to approach this conversation topic gingerly. Religion? While there are […]

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