Category Archives: Conversation Help

I’ve Met Someone – How Do I Get Our Conversation Started On Our Date

That’s good, you’ve made it to first base! The effort you took to get this date has paid off, and now you need help on what you should say to keep the person interested. Well, you could try some of these tips that my help you get your conversation started: 1) Always and foremost, be yourself! Don’t fake who you are or pretend you’re someone you’re not. This will certainly catch up with you later! Being yourself on your date is the best way to go. The […]

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5 Great Ways to Start a Super Conversation in a Group Situation

Starting a conversation is not always easy. Especially when you don´t feel comfortable with the people you are conversing with. There could be an eerie feeling of awkwardness at the start of the interaction unless you know the five secrets… Here are five secrets to starting a great conversation with a group of people: 1. Get everyone involved. When starting a conversation, introducing people to each other could be necessary. That is if you don´t know each other or some of those present don´t. Then, connect one […]

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The Value of Good Conversation

One of the biggest privileges we have as humans is the ability to communicate with one another in deep and meaningful ways. No other living creatures have the ability to relate with one another on the level that humans do. While there are many ways that we experience depth in relationship, few things are as significant and powerful in our search for connection as good conversation. If you think about it, it is quite amazing that humans have the abilitiy to grow up in entirely separate households, […]

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