Author Archives: Mateo

The Quick and Easy Formula for Starting a Conversation With Any Woman

When it comes to dating, every man wants to know how to start a decent conversation with a woman, well, here’s how to do it 1. First of all, it’s crucial you establish good eye-contact. Eyes are the windows of your soul, and having a visual connection with a women shows tells if she’s also interested. To establish good eye-contact, look her in the eye, and keep looking just a bit longer than you normally would. If you catch her looking at you a couple of times, […]

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I’ve Met Someone – How Do I Get Our Conversation Started On Our Date

That’s good, you’ve made it to first base! The effort you took to get this date has paid off, and now you need help on what you should say to keep the person interested. Well, you could try some of these tips that my help you get your conversation started: 1) Always and foremost, be yourself! Don’t fake who you are or pretend you’re someone you’re not. This will certainly catch up with you later! Being yourself on your date is the best way to go. The […]

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How to Replace Your Sales Script with A Conversation

The main problem was that sales scripts ended up cornering the person I was calling into a “Yes” or “No”. And that made me feel sleazy and just fed the negative “salesperson” stereotype. It seemed too unnatural to pick up the phone and immediately pitch what I had to offer. I felt I was assuming way too much when the person didn’t even know me. Now I want to share with you how my entire approach has changed thanks to Unlock The Game. I spent one whole […]

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Great Conversation Starters and Finishers Part I

To begin with, allow me to do my part in dissipating an axiom that’s time has come and gone. Discussing politics, religion, and sex is no longer the faux pas it once was. This is not to say that you should zero in on these subjects for your discussion fodder, but you don’t have to be afraid to delve into any one of them. Discussing politics, in case you haven’t noticed, is pretty depressing. Perhaps reason enough to approach this conversation topic gingerly. Religion? While there are […]

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Good Dating Conversation

There is nothing quite like it. You are out on a date, and suddenly both parties run out of things to say. The remainder of the date is a seemingly endless gauntlet of foiled conversation attempts and stretched out silences, and at the end of the night both of you know that you will probably never attempt a make up with that person. Awkward silences can be a killer when it comes to dating; not only have you lost a prospective relationship, you have also wasted an […]

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First Date Conversation Tips

You are on your date, sitting in front of your date, you ordered something to drink, and now what? Before you start to talk about the weather, here are a few tips that will help you pass the evening successfully: Preparation Before going out on your first date you should write down a few questions you could ask your date in case the conversation will get stuck. People who go often on dates usually know by heart their list of questions and they draw them out at […]

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Conversation in an Age of Confusion

What do people talk about when they all believe different things and nobody is sure what the other person believes? Then you add to that the usual courtesy that most people don’t want to offend other people, especially when it comes to the topics people disagree about with the most intensity, such as politics and religion, which all but the most foolhardy consider way off limits, at least, in what is referred to as polite conversation. Actually, the silence of the times is far wider. In fact, […]

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5 Great Ways to Start a Super Conversation in a Group Situation

Starting a conversation is not always easy. Especially when you don´t feel comfortable with the people you are conversing with. There could be an eerie feeling of awkwardness at the start of the interaction unless you know the five secrets… Here are five secrets to starting a great conversation with a group of people: 1. Get everyone involved. When starting a conversation, introducing people to each other could be necessary. That is if you don´t know each other or some of those present don´t. Then, connect one […]

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The Value of Good Conversation

One of the biggest privileges we have as humans is the ability to communicate with one another in deep and meaningful ways. No other living creatures have the ability to relate with one another on the level that humans do. While there are many ways that we experience depth in relationship, few things are as significant and powerful in our search for connection as good conversation. If you think about it, it is quite amazing that humans have the abilitiy to grow up in entirely separate households, […]

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Tips on Conversation Starters

Going out on a date can be really exciting and enjoyable especially when you,re having the time of your life with your date. The key factor in great dates is great conversation. Striking up a conversation with the other person can put too much pressure on you especially if you know so little about them. This is one reason why you and your date should start asking questions about one another to get to know each other on a deeper level. When you found something in common […]

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